4 Quotes & Sayings By Ivana Hruba

Ivana Hruba is a Czech writer, journalist, translator, and publicist. Born in Brno, Czech Republic, she grew up in the vibrant cultural milieu of Prague during the communist era. With her first novel The Sorrowful Night (2003), she was able to return to her native city's literary traditions after its decades-long alienation through socialist orthodoxy.

I read this on the gates to a village cemetery: What you are, we used to be. What we are, you’re going to be. – It puts things in perspective, doesn’t it? Ivana Hruba
It began with a perfect plan. Shape-wise we had a circle, a simple uncomplicated curve to guide us comfortably from one thing to another, an easy predictable ride promising a natural progression from A to B, C and D, and so on until we reached our destination. But somewhere down that smooth line, I think around F, it all went pear-shaped. Ivana Hruba
I've always felt I deserved a wider audience, so thank you for reading this. Ivana Hruba